Bridle MONTFORT, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridon CHAMBORD, disponible en plusieurs coloris, vendu avec une paire de rênes assorties en cuir, mors vendu séparément.
Paiement sécurisé
GRATUITE dès 250€ d'achat
Autres destinations, voir page livraison
Bridon CHAMBORD, disponible en plusieurs coloris, vendu avec une paire de rênes assorties en cuir, mors vendu séparement. Cuir tannage végétal. Boucles et cocardes cousues à la main.
Mesures du bridon:
longueur totale de filet d'attache de mors à attache de mors: environ 100 à 125cm
tour de muserolle: environ 74 à 80cm
Bridle MONTFORT, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle MELISSANDE, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle NAVARRE, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle VERSAILLES, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle DRAKARYS, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle CLODOMIR, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle CŒUR DE LION, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle FLEURS DE LYS, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle WAGRAM, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle LA MOSCOWA, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle EYLAU, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle MAXIMUS, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle HERACLES, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.
Bridle ADHEMAR, available in several colors, sold with a leather matched pair of reins, bit sold separately.